Meta Facebook Update

Will this Meta-Facebook update make any difference at all to you?

Recently Facebook made a big change:

The “Facebook pixel” that we’ve all come to know and love will now be called… “The Meta Pixel”.

One of my clients recently asked how this would impact us. In short, the answer is: Not very much. At the moment, it just comes down to terminology.

However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t expect a lot of similar changes and announcements coming in the next year, as Facebook fully emerges from its cocoon into The Meta butterfly it’s becoming.

And that’s where things become less clear.

Facebook has a very powerful tool in the Ads Manager. It currently controls all major advertising for Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, and the Audience Network.

So it’s unlikely to go anywhere soon!

However, with all of the changes due to privacy and transparency, We do know that the power of the pixel is shifting.

As we start to implement Conversion API – 

This means Facebook gets data directly from your own websites directly, avoiding the usage of 3rd party tools – and also use Partner Integrations more robustly, not to mention the limitations created by the Apple update, the tech will adjust accordingly.

In my own training, I’ve added on a simplified, 3 step upgrade to integrate as much new tech, so that we can still see as many results as possible for ROI.

Every client gets this implemented for them as a matter of course. These changes won’t ever stop. We must remember that they never did stop though. We’ve been shifting and adjusting with the system Right from the start.

So frankly, nothing new here, just the quality of it!

A while ago, I sent a reminder that There’s no reason to ever stop advertising.

It’s a reminder to keep checking in here, to stay on top of the changes.

As your own competition shifts and grows, your own business offers will shift and change too. This is a natural practice and occurrence.

The only thing to fear, I want everything to freeze in time and stay the same.

Because that never has happened, nor ever will.

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