IOS 15 Steps

Your Next Steps for the iOS15 Apple Update

SUBJECT: Your Next Steps for the iOS15 Apple Update

It might feel like adding Insult to Injury!
So soon after the entire internet truly changed due to the iOS14 Apple update…
Now we have the consequences of update 15!!
As a reminder, this time it’s all about Email privacy.
And it will definitely affect your business too.
So I’ve created some simple steps for you to take RIGHT NOW
To prepare for the inevitable best as you can:

STEP 1: List Hygiene
Aka: Shrink your list down to the most engaged members!
Ruthlessly!, UNSUBSCRIBE – and delete – all those people who have not opened an email for more than 90 days.
Now, does that mean you lose any investment you made in those people in the first place?
Not if you do it smart, and here’s what that means:
Retarget them with ads to RE-ENGAGE them with better and more powerful content,
Content they truly want.
Content that’s better than what they joined for in the first place.
If you’re meant to have them as clients,
Then keep them warm, nurtured, connected, and solidifying that relationship.
Otherwise, they do not belong on your list.
And let’s also not forget: you PAY to keep them on your list.
So cut them loose with joy and vigor!
Remember, like Facebook Likes, or Instagram Followers,
There’s a reason that those numbers are called “vanity metrics” –
The more you have on your list does not mean you’re popular.
In business, it means that you either:

  1. a) Have a thriving, well engaged, revenue creating audience, or
  2. b) Have a lot of pretty numbers with no action behind the scenes.

You definitely want it!
So mercilessly TRIM that list down to Winners!… And retarget the rest.
Btw, that means:

  1. a) Downloading a csv file of all those Unscubscribed folks BEFORE you delete them from your ESP/CRM.

… Or depending on your software, some version of this.

  1. b) Then uploading that “Unsubscribers” csv into Ads Manager Custom Audience.

STEP 2: SHIFT from Open Rates to Click Through Rates for your email stats
That’s right, you now need to disregard Open rates because they’re going away!
Keep your copy game strong, and get people to CLICK THROUGH the links on your emails instead.
That will equate to tell you WHO is engaged.
You should still also TEST your Subject lines if your ESP software allows you too,
Though many inexpensive ones don’t.
But if you’re able to, DO IT.

Then apply that info of the “winning subject line” to future content!

STEP 3: Get more robust tracking for yourself
First off, you deserve it.
That’s the most important element here.
Second, most businesses are so scrambling around trying to make offers work,
They don’t even have time to put better tracking in place
To get better results based on numbers and science and the good stuff!
Now might be the best time to do this more powerfully.
This might include:

  • Google Analytics and utm tracking
  • 3rd Party software like Wicked Reports, which many of my own clients use

Find out more about Google Analytics here and Wicked Reports right here.
There’s no perfect solution, because every business is set up so differently.
But tracking your numbers gives you:

  • Power
  • Control
  • Ability to Get Faster Results
  • Better Connection, because of
  • Better Understanding of What Works

That’s all tracking equates too:
People tell you what they want with how they engage.
Tracking tells you that.

Simple as that.
But I know for some, it might be a gentle but loving wake up call to:
Focus less on your own offers and income and business,
And put the primary focus on your audience, their needs and what they want.
Then your own offers, income start to take care of themselves!!!
Through the magic of:

  • Contribution
  • Transformations
  • Results!

That’s a lot of technical info this week!
But these are ultimately clear, actionable steps to increase your preparation.
We’ll never be able to stop change,
But we will always choose how to best deal with it.
And remember:
None of this is personal, it’s all business.
And your business absolutely deserves the best if you want to grow.

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