Inserting Yourself More Into Your Marketing

We’re continuing to use love to fill in all the gaps ❤️

Today, we’re going inside before we go outward.

In marketing, this is, well, Everything!

“If you can’t love yourself,
how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?”

So says RuPaul, and I agree 🤩

In marketing terms, your audience is always going to come last,
If you’re not taking deep care of yourself 
And your business.

And taking care of your business means marketing and advertising
Effectively and proudly.

Too many business owners say that they love their products and offers and business…
Then they act as though they really are not good enough.

They are not proud to yell about their business from the rooftops
They do not truly believe their product will do they job
They do not believe that they are worth the price they’re asking for.
You don’t want to be one of these shy, inferior, uncertain businesses.

Instead, you want to build a business that scales as far as you want it to.
You want to overcome obstacles.

That requires strength and resilience.
It also requires forgiveness when you do not know everything you 

“Think you should know”.
Or how to ask for help if you want to move faster.

Advertising and marketing are immensely vulnerable.

Because they require you to have complete belief in putting yourself,
Your offers and your business out there.
And to put your money where your mouth is.

So let’s workshop this too!

Grab a notepad and take 2 short minutes to answer this:
1 How are you not loving your business enough?
2 How are you not loving yourself as a business owner enough?
3 How are you managing obstacles?
4 How do you forgive yourself when you reach obstacles or “don’t know how” to take the next step?
5 What do you think you can do today to be more strong and vulnerable in your marketing?
6 What kind of support do you have to expand beyond where you might be stuck currently?

Running and growing a business is not easy.
I tend to come across people when they get serious about growth,
And especially implementation.
When they’re willing to invest in themselves, their audience and their business.

That means, I often get to them as they’re overcoming some story,
About how easy it is to “get to six figures in seven days”…

And then feel awful that that wasn’t them.
They were not the overnight success that was promised to them.
They need to recover, forgive themselves, and re-commit.

Let’s make sure that is not you.
Let me know how you’re going to love yourself better,

So you can love your audience even better!

50 Weeks Of Giving!

I was insanely moved to tears when I first encountered:

Safe in Austin

Not only do they rescue animals from abuse and neglect,
But they also match those adorable creatures with
Children and adults dealing with trauma and special needs.
How freaking awesome is that?!

Find out all about their amazing work here.

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