Facebook Cycle of Awesome

Facebook Cycle of Awesome

here’s a reason really awesome advertising works literally all the time: I like to call it…

The Facebook Cycle of Awesome.

And it’s pretty simple. Definitely no “rocket science” required here 🚀 In a nutshell this is what the Facebook Cycle of Awesome looks like:

To pull it apart simply: You run an ad with whatever your offer is. Then you start to get results from that ad. Once you get those results, then … (and here’s the truly *awesome* part…)

Those results are fed back into the Facebook algorithm.
The algorithm is some fancy-schmancy really complex coding that crunches lots of information, so that you can put it to work. Once your results are fed back into the algorithm, the algorithm then uses that information to…

Target better and find more of the perfect people

For that offer! Really, how awesome is that! And to be completely clear, it’s not just Facebook. Every major social and sophisticated online website/app we enjoy, uses a comparable algorithm to do something similar.

On Amazon, for example, it’s using your info to  Show you more of what you’ve expressed interest in. It all works in the same way. And don’t forget!  These algorithms are basically Experience Crunchers!

Whatever people have enjoyed as an experience, in the past is what is used going forward. And that’s how the Cycle of Awesome works.

So take a moment now to ask yourself: On any website/app I’ve visited today, is there an algorithm yhat has helped me find more of what I’m interested in? And what were those results like?

When you step into your audience’s shoes, and understand how their experience really is, then you get results like never before!

Serve better, Reach further, and Reap the rewards!

Become the true Force for Good you were meant to be!

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