Guide in Building Your Dream Team

You Must Not do Everything Yourself in Your Business

You must have a solid team in place to help run your business.

It’s not “optional”!

It’s an absolute must-do if you want to grow – Sustainably.

You can definitely grow significantly on your own.

But there is always a tipping point,

Where you need to get out of your own way.

Plus, I hardcore advocate for you to always:

1 Stay in your Zone of Genius – every single day!

2 Allow your team to grow your business better than you

Ever could on your own!

My own team-building experience has been extraordinary.

It’s expanded me in ways I never thought possible,

And opened me up to true freedom.

If you’re still considering how to make this work, Then check out Who Not How here!

It will expand your ideas of what’s possible.

I also insist that you focus on building your team with full-time support.

You absolutely want:

  • People who are 100% committed to your growth and success,
    Because it is also theirs…
  • People who will be creative in creating your opportunities
  • People who can expand and grow with your business needs

You also absolutely do not want:

  • People who are distracted by other clients
  • People who phone it in and just give you the minimum of
    What you ask for – when you don’t know even better options
  • People who will bail when “better” comes along –
    And it always does when it’s part-time.

You will have a mix of support who:

  • You train to do more of what you do to work IN your business
  • Train you to expand your idea of what’s possible

One thing that is always clear about early entrepreneurs:

You can’t know what you don’t know, and there’s SO MUCH that you really don’t know

That is possible to completely explode open your business.

I also seriously improved all the systems in my business when I started hiring full-time support.

It wasn’t a choice.

I needed to ensure no one – including me! – worked in chaos,

And that all the systems were focused to be:

  • Long-term
  • Constantly evolving and improving

Then, of course, I discovered how much better everything could be?

If you’re ready to explore full-time options,

Then consider what has worked so well for me here.

My main piece of advice is to focus and give yourself some time.

Things may not feel effortless at first,

Because it’s brand new, running a team.

It can feel like rusty wheels are turning at the start.

It can feel like everything takes 5 times longer than it should.

It can feel like wading through molasses.

But there is always a turnaround!

And that turnaround is where your creativity goes crazy.

Your time and space open wide up.

Your understanding of your own options multiplies.

Give yourself the grace to see the big picture, and spend more time working ON your business, while your team works diligently IN your business.

So today we honor my team, and I also want to honor your current or future team!

Give yourself the gift of growth and support.

And be shocked to see all the amazing things that start to come your way.

Let me know when and how you’ve struggled with yours!

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