Black Friday Basic

Black Friday Basic

I had a convo not long ago about how deeply counter intuitive great marketing really is. Here’s the context:

A new client wanted to run a new offer, a PAID offer. And she wanted to run this to cold traffic 😳 That is, people who did not know her well yet.

So we discussed the pitfalls about this, and she was good with it. After the end of the launch, she had truly excellent questions. In the course of asking a question, she said “Maybe this is just the story I’m telling myself, but…” (Such a super and clever awareness!!! 🙌)

She proceeded to tell me that she wanted to best “qualify” her audience by starting with a paid offer. She said, “I mean it’s only $47, that’s not a lot of money!” And in terms of who she was targeting, she’s right – it’s not a lot. But really we’re talking consistently about the psychology of marketing.

If you want your business and revenue to grow,.
If you want to figure out how to market your business, then you’ll tap more and more into basic psychology of buying.

And it’s not rocket science!

It doesn’t matter who the audience is, or what the offer is: Human beings are insanely consistent when it comes with parting with their hard earned cash. (Quick aside: Just because you might part with $47 without blinking, does not mean that you’re ideal customer would. There are definitely different buying types of people, so by all means serve them all –  Not just those who are exactly like you in every, single way 🙃)

That conversation allowed me to confirm a few things about just how counter intuitive great marketing really is.

And here’s the skinny…

Newer business, those not yet ready to scale, but first need to grow, they tend to focus completely on sales and money money money. In terms of “Traffic and Conversion”, they’re really only thinking about Leads and Sales.

But really….

They only care about the sales. It’s a fact. They’re not super interested in the leads – just the 💰

So let’s start in this zone of Sales. What works best? 
It’s always consistent:Urgency and Scarcity!

If you give people a deadline – “it’s going away!”
Then serious FOMO kicks in.
And if you give people a limit – “you won’t be one of the chosen” Then again, serious FOMO kicks in.

Oh yes, FOMO is freaking real! So all of this is true, it’s effective, and it gives me a chance to remind you:

Never skip the FOMO, ie Urgency and Scarcity!
However, let’s get right back to the earlier part of the equation:

Traffic. ie Leads…

Nurturing your audience,
Creating a relationship that matters with them.

This is the most overlooked part of the business building process. People just want to skip right over it so they can say: “Show me the Money!” 💵 But that’s not what actually allows the money to flow ⚛️ The relationships are!

And this definitely gets counter intuitive for people. Or put another way: Most people totally underestimate just how much it takes to create those relationships!

So what’s on the beginning end of that Urgency and Scarcity?

It’s called… Reciprocity.

There’s a beautiful Universal Law of all human beings that kindness and contact…tend to create more kindness and contact. And relationships get formed.

Put another way: giving creates a desire to give back.

Let me confirm that – It’s not creating only a duty or responsibility to give back… But a DESIRE to give back! And that’s why reciprocity is priceless in terms of relationships.

Do you want to be understood in a relationship? [You know where this is going 😉….] Then attempt to understand the person you want understanding from!

And this is why FREE offers always win over low-cost paid ones. Give first, in order to get.

Invest in building those relationships. Let people know you want to invest in them, by providing the free option.

Especially at the start. Because everyone knows that their time, money and care will be respected.

So… Black Friday freebies?!

Not necessarily… because context always matters!
On Black Friday, literally everyone who is raised and trained in a place like the US is looking for LOW COST offers, not free offers. And so this is one beautiful anomaly of time that you can make that low cost offer.

So take it. For goodness sake, grab it by the horns…

And take it!
Don’t forget, or let your audience forget, that for you: It’s not all about the sale.
But about the engagement, the nurture, and the relationship.
That’s when you’ll ensure Reciprocity balances out all that Urgency and Scarcity!

Serve better, Reach further, and Reap the rewards

Become the true Force for Good you were meant to be!

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