Sacrifices worth making for your business

Have you served our country as a member of the military?

If so, then please know that I salute and honor your sacrifices and service.


If not, then you’re like me.

I cannot imagine the rigors and potential terrors of warfare sometimes experienced as “peace-keeping”.


In honor of Veterans Day, I’d like to address sacrifices.


Our military brethren sacrifice such an incredible amount to support the freedom, democracy and safety of our nation.

While most of us will not serve in that capacity most of us are serving in equally important if less dangerous ways.


And no matter what, it always involves sacrifices.


I’ve yet to meet a business owner who has not sacrificed something:

Personal time, family time, money, health, support.


The list could go on and on but you already are thinking of what you’ve already sacrificed.

So today we acknowledge not only the brave and true Veterans but also a moment to stop and truly feel

The sacrifices you may be making too: 

For your family…

For your finances and financial freedom…

For your community, extended family, and even legacy.


I’ve been so grateful and moved to witness most military members be honored with respect and a heartfelt:

“Thank you for your service.”


As it’s also Kindness Day this week I’d say it’s just as important for me to take a moment to honor YOU.


I’d like to remind you to be infinitely Kind to yourself.

Self-kindness, self-compassion, self-awareness are often so lacking in those who just “push through” and “hustle” with the emphasis on all the “grit” but never on the “grace”.


It’s time to give yourself some Grace and Space, as I like to say.

As we come to the end of the year you may be pushing for a powerful, profitable end to Q4,

Or maybe a dynamic push and start to Q1 2023.

Whatever your way of attracting more success and learning yourself, Do it with kindness.

So let’s commemorate, honor, and memorialize our Veterans.


And silently… You might just also return some Grace and Kindness back your way.

This is the whole point of my all-new Golden Ring Marketing,

To align and integrate marketing with advertising,

And give you more holistic happiness,

Along with all the effort and sacrifices along the way.

Happy Veteran’s Day!


50 Weeks Of Giving!

Let’s support those who may need extra support with DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Charitable Service Trust

Once our veterans come home, this org helps them whether they need

Physical, personal or psychological support in their next steps.Serve those who have bravely served us here.

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