Byron Katie

Discovering How to Love What Is In Business

Today I’d like to share with you the work of someone very special ❤️

It’s designed to support your marketing On a much deeper level. This month, we’ve explored lots of love:

Loving marketing…

Loving yourself in business…

Love your audience better.

Today let’s talk about how to Love What Is. This is a primary theme in business because I see people

Constantly suffer due to poor expectations, and stories that don’t move them forward, but drag them down.

This constantly happens when I see business owners totally randomly choose results out of thin air…

“I want to sell 100 of this $1000 product!”

Yet it’s the first time making this offer, they are SO pissed off or disappointed, when they sell just 5 or 10.

They are not loving what is.

Not at all!

Often, it’s alarming, if not shocking. Except the story they keep being told, and then telling themselves, is setting them up for suffering..

Byron Katie has crafted a message that she calls

The Work.

The Work is all about… Loving what is. |
It’s about radically accepting what actually is, so you can powerfully move forward from that point. Not holding on to old stories.

“The world is nothing but my perception of it.
I see only through myself.
I hear only through the filter of my story.”

Byron Katie

In business, this is everything because this is what reflects the obstacles I see business owners suffer through every single day.

“I wanted a six figure launch”…

“More people should have bought”…

“The targeting doesn’t work”…

“Just do it for me.”

Growing a business is harder than most of the sales gurus make it out to be.

There are more details and distinctions, to shift the momentum to your side. At the end of the day, I often find myself a modern-day truth-teller:

“I wanted a six figure launch”…

But no numbers have led you to expect that.

“More people should have bought”…

The offer is not resonating yet, or they would have bought.

“The targeting doesn’t work”…

This offer has not been proven to sell to any audience yet.

“Just do it for me.”

The more you give your power away, the longer it will take you.

Flipping the script allows you to move past these limiting hopes quickly.

“Asking the questions – that’s what changes lives.
Every cell in your body is awake with inquiry.
And you cannot believe the old thoughts again.”

Byron Katie

Once a business owner chooses loving what is, And comes from a place of curiosity, it gets so much easier.

“When the creative mind is unleashed
And understands its true nature, it’s unlimited.
There’s nothing you cannot do.”

Byron Katie

Let’s do a final love workshop for your success:

Grab a notepad and take 2 short minutes to answer this:

1 What stories about your business are you holding on to?
2 How are these stories holding you back?
3 What are you loving best about your business?
4 How can you lean into more of that?
5 What relationships can you create when you love your business better?

“I am never unhappy, you can achieve that as well.”

Byron Katie

As an empathetic person, I hate seeing people suffer. Yet so many people create suffering from their own stories.

I look forward in supporting you letting go any of those stories,t hrough curiosity, connection and more love.

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