Is your tech Supporting or completely Sinking you?

How often does your tech drown the lifeblood out of you?I consider this the real dark side of running a business.

Because you’re tech is either:

Supporting, strengthening and elevating you…

Or it’s totally sinking you and dragging you down.


Now, full disclosure:

I used to be 100% completely averse to tech.

True story!

And yet, you may ask:

How could I possibly end up working with Facebook ads?

Isn’t that like ALL-TECH??!? 

Crazy, right?

In fact, not so much.


The Facebook Ads Manager is a tame, if changeable beast.

It can be wrangled, or I would have run screaming…

But the rest of business tech, I was often screaming!

For those who have not fully grown, who are not yet ready to scale,


And in case this is unclear, it means you’re either:

1 not breaking 5 figures a month,

2 not breaking 6K a year, or can’t get past low 6K, or

3 not able to advertise effectively to control your growth because

your numbers are still to confusing to you…


This is where newer business owners hit walls and often do not recover.

Let’s make sure that’s not ever you.

And tech is a massive piece of this puzzle.

New tech – which I refer to as a “tool” or your “software” – 

Always has a learning curve.


To expect anything other is to set yourself up for frustration or failure.

This was my Achilles heel – osmosis please!!

So the game becomes this:

How can you create the shortest learning curve to success?

Because if you don’t, tech creates only confusion and overwhelm.

The wrong tech can absolutely suck the life out of you,

Stop you in your tracks for too long or completely,

And make you hate your business, until you can’t even

Remind yourself of how much you love your service and customers!


But not using tech at all is never the answer.

You give up or lose all control or power in your growth if you do. Instead, consider this:

There are always user-friendlier tools out there.

And remember this: the Ads Manager is super easy,

Once you have the basics down for all of your

Targeting, Testing and Tracking –

The basis for my method of training ads. 

Listen carefully (whispering):

If I can do it, you absolutely can do it too!

But not if the rest of your tech is more vampire than invigorating!


Catch this cautionary tale here to make it all easier for you.

Tech Relief is already on its way.


50 Weeks Of Giving!

Though the year’s just starting, we’re diving into a very serious service:

Operation Underground Railroad

As we commemorate Human Trafficking Day this week,

This org does an incredible amount for child victims across

30 countries and all US states.

Can you even imagine the terror involved in being trafficked?

Find out more here at:

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