How intuitive is your Advertising and Marketing?

I find one fatal flow most slow-growing businesses have:

The passion they bring to their service or product isn’t in their marketing.


And it sure as heck isn’t anywhere near their advertising!

In your own small business, I bet you love delivering your service, right?

I bet you love your business and the good it does in the world.

If that’s the case, then why does the marketing seem such an uphill battle?


Well, allow me to hazard a guess:

You feel so disconnected with your audience when you work on 

Your marketing and advertising!


All the juice seems to drain away when you’re working on your business.

Passion, in this case, is so aligned to your intuition.

When you’re passionate and feeling connected to your People,

Then your intuition gets to guide you far more fluidly.

I’ve heard it said like this, but don’t ask me from who 🤷🏻‍♂️

“It’s through science that we prove,

But through intuition that we discover!”

That’s exactly what my advertising experience has been.


Well-done advertising is intrinsically data-driven, very scientific, and proven.

As long as you’re looking for and asking for something,

You’ll get an answer that is clear and guides you.


But it’s really the intuition where you discover the real gems and keepers.

It’s where you find the surprises,

Which are often the best and most exciting part of ads.

“Oh, I fully expected X to work best, but actually M did!”

This happens all the time.

And that equates to real life results and relationships.


It means costs go down, results go up, and connections get stronger!

This is how you get to love your customers even more.

You can make your advertising more intuitive by doing this.


50 Weeks Of Giving!

Intuition guides you to freedom. So let’s celebrate:

American Civil Liberties Union and Foundation

Their mission is “realize the promise of the United States Constitution.”

A little more justice for all sounds good, doesn’t it?!

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