How to identify and apply your Real Potential

“I’m sick of people telling me how ‘promising’ I am!”

That’s a line from the truly astounding and moving film The Whale this year,

Starring my favorite Mummy actor Brendan Fraser.

It’s not his line though.


It’s from one of his online students, who is fully encouraged…

To speak his truth!


And this is such a powerful truth that we get to shove past after our teens and early 20s.

It’s absolutely like dating someone with “so much potential”…

Yet none of it realized.

Again, hope marketing in full play,

With an extra large side of daily suffering, thank you very much.

As both an optimist and realist

– Yes, they can go together! – 

I regularly see the potential (promise) in people’s unique businesses.


However, having worked with too many nightmares over the years,

I also know that potential doesn’t matter a jot,

If putting the work, effort and partnership in, 

Are not part of that equation.

Potential? Who cares if there’s too much ego attached?!

Most ego, and certainly all hesitation is the central part of one thing:



During a private session recently,

A private client tentatively spoke her hesitation:

“I hate to admit this…

But I’m afraid to discover that I’ve been wasting

Too much money on ads all these years.”

Such a brave statement!


Such a massive awareness that could only move her forward.

Because that is unreservedly a Very Real Possibility.

Potential, and promise of course, are just more splinters

From that constant dangling carrot:


Ultimately, isn’t anything possible?

Isn’t bankruptcy just as possible as becoming a millionaire tomorrow?


Neither may be Probable, but they always remain possible.

So actually: what if that’s not so helpful after all?

It all has to become…





And sometimes you find out you overspent.


But would that not be better than continuing to overspend?


The opposite option is for your therapist, not your business.

You have massive potential.

Always have, always will.

But you get to choose if you want to make it work, day in and day out,

And with growth that leads to scale.

Then, as they say, it’s just an expensive hobby…

And you’re still left with a job, not a business.

Find out how advertising will help you realize potential super fast.


I say, sure, you owe it to yourself…

But even more, don’t you owe all the effort to your audience?

If you want them to invest in you, then go all in on your own potential!

Let’s ground you in something greater so you can serve far greater too.


50 Weeks Of Giving!

Helping the next generation with their own exponential potential is 

Narrative 4

Supporting educators to make full use of Storytelling in their classrooms,

This org is all about connection and leadership, and I get behind that!

Find out more here at:

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