Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸
Now, there are many many valuable lessons to be learned here:
1 Build upon what you’ve started to grow
2 Keeping returning to your audience to find out what they really want
3 Project your growth based on past experience (ie data)
4 Most of all, expect a New Start and New Results
With a New Offer.

And this happens.

Some launches just plain fail.I’m so excited to share a “practically post-pandemic” holiday with you!

This Independence Day has me thinking a lot about Freedom.
Of course, freedom means many things to many people.
What does freedom mean to you?

In business terms, freedom has lots of flavors.
But most of all,
I think Freedom consistently equals one thing:

How willing is a business to try things out, take chances,
Either succeed or learn a lot,
And of course then bounce back?

That’s the biggest question.
And I was thinking about one former client in particular
Who struggled with this, and it got the better of her.

Let me tell you a bit about her story:

At the start of the pandemic, Rainna decided to grow her course launch.
She’d made one or two small launches in the past,
But she really wanted some traction so she could scale her business.
Her offer was starting to become proven,
Which means sell consistently,
So she wanted to invest in better advertising.

That’s where I came in.
We created a lovely plan, a solid budget,
And then she launched.
She was able to get better results than ever before
She also was able to see and make sense of people’s actions (ie data)
Like never before.

And don’t forget:
This ALL happened right in the first couple months of the pandemic.
So this was a Wild Success by everyone’s standards.

All in all, it was a successful launch with a solid 3X ROI,
And Rainna was in a great place to further test, tweak and grow
Her signature course.

The new goal was to 4X her ROI,
Or get $4 back for every $1 invested in ads.
Fast forward a few months, and Rainna made a very bizarre decision:
She had hired a new launch manager,
Yet she seemed scared.

She was scared of the progress of the pandemic.
She was scared of asking for that much $ for her course.
She was scared of failing.
Now, this type of fear is not uncommon at all!
And in these moments, I get to remind people of real results and numbers.
Her last launch was successful. During covid!
It was there to be built upon.
Yes, yes, yes, she said.
But still…

The fear won out, and she decided to completely change the offer.
I reminded her:
When this happens, she was effectively going
From a proven, tested, and growing offer…
To a brand new Beta Test of an offer.
We could no longer compare apples to apples.

Yes, yes, yes, she said,
But stuck to her guns and launched only with the new,
And much lower priced offer
And guess what happened?

You guessed it:
It was the saddest thing to witness 🥺

Especially with new offers.

Resilience allows you to return to what works.
Resilience lets you stay focused on learning and taking all you can,
From an otherwise crappy situation.
Resilience allows you to get back on that horse and launch again,
To build upon what you know worked in the past.

Except Rainna did not develop her resilience.
So worst of all, Rainna threw in the towel.

Now, things could change.
Rainna may return to serving her audience.
Because she has proven her main offer.
If only Resilience let her see the data and numbers more clearly.

Resilience steps in where our fear stops us.

Resilience will let you find more Freedom in your business.
Return to your audience.
Return to your People.
Return to Connection.
Most of all…
Return to

Rainna let all of that slip away,
Because they did not want her brand new offer.
But they still want to be served!

So let your relationship with your people,
Which truly is the basis of your business,
Give you freedom.
Freedom to grow,
Freedom to expand,
Freedom to fulfill your goals and dreams.

I hope Rainna’s story will inspire you to be super strategic
About growing and nurturing your own Resilience!

Keep building upon your own resilience,
Pay attention to every tiny thing that works,
And build upon that too!

Happy Independence Week!

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