Advertising Hack

3 Easy Hacks for Staying “In the Zone” with Your Advertising

I’d like to share 3 concrete, simple hacks for you to stay “in the Zone” with ads.

And what I’m talking about is your actual experience

When you’re creating new ads – the process itself.

Because I’ve discovered how many people shoot themselves in the foot

Over and over, because what could be a pleasant and even fascinating process,

Instead becomes painful, daunting or endlessly frustrating.

Let’s nip that in the bud, shall we?

And if you already love making ads, see if you can add any of these to your toolbox!

I want you to completely LOVE the advertising process, and for one reason only:

It’s the verbal embrace your people are getting from you.

It’s not an idea, or just words, or “marketing”…

It’s connection.

It’s you speaking directly from your heart and soul to theirs – when done well.

And if that’s not how you’re experiencing ads yet,

Then you deserve to know that you can, should and will if I have a say in it 😉

And while I’m going to be giving you immensely proven and actionable examples,

Let’s also touch upon what’s literally happening underneath all that “hard” stuff…

So you can actually stay in the Zone.

If you hate advertising or marketing…

Your people will know it!

And your audience will absolutely 100% be repelled by that.

You will be doomed to fail and get not poor but atrocious results.

This is consistently the “ads don’t work for me” idea you want to ditch forever!

Because the energy you put into your ads is always felt.

I’m not interested in getting “woo woo” on you, but it’s a thing. Nuff said.

I see it every single day…

And then I see the shifts once that falls away.

HUGE RELIEF and actual results!

So let’s dive in to the Hacks…

HACK #1 – Each ad is only to your IDEAL CLIENT

This is vitally true if you’re still new to online business,

But can completely re-ignite your business if you’re feeling bored, disconnected,

Or even just uninspired and unmotivated.

Talk to just ONE PERSON: your ideal client.

I had this fascinating convo with one of my clients the other day:

She said, “I’m so confident and so comfortable when I speak to any prospect in person,

I can close a sale 9 times out of 10!

So it’s so frustrating when I do all this online stuff when I feel like I’m speaking

To this faceless mass of people who don’t know me.”

What an amazing “catch” she made here. Insanely powerful.

So I replied, “What about Christine?”

Now, Christine is this client’s IDEAL CLIENT.

When we started working together, she gave me this gorgeous Powerpoint

With a complete bio and description and even photo of Christine,

And that was and still is the basis of our targeting for her ads.

Except she got overwhelmed with everything else in her business,

And forgot all about Christine!!

I mean, why is she in this business?! For Christine.

But this is common and happens all the time.

Business building “stuff” distracts.

We got back on track though, and made a huge shift to get in the Zone:

From now on, every blog, article, ad copy, video is talking ONLY to Christine!

And everything is filtered with the question:

“Will Christine like this? What would she prefer even more?”

That’s it. Simplification itself.

Can you put this Hack to work for you? How? What’s been your distraction?

HACK #2 – Make your advertising time more sensory

How do you PERSONALLY describe it when you’re  “In the Zone”?

This means different things to different people.

But you know exactly what juices you up and keeps you focused.

This confidence is what you want to shift into your advertising process.

I also have immediate associations to senses… always!

And you do too, that’s how our brains are designed.

So when you’re advertising, set the scene:

For as many senses as possible at once –

And this is absolutely VITAL if you still feel disconnected from advertising!

Taste something… chocolate or fruit or veg or salt bomb?

Listen to something… Spotify channel?

Smell something… Diffuser or incense or candles?

Touch something… I love the silky surface of my speaker!! How about a furry pet?

See your IDEAL CLIENT in your mind’s eye, nothing else.

When you get the REAL YOU involved, and only focus on ads,

You can let the multi-tasking slip away effortlessly and put the love into your ads.

You will be present fully.

Keep showing your beautiful audience your love, for goodness’ sake!

HACK #3 – Start with the end in mind

Ads are a fantastic filter that you’re working on what’s most important.


Because you would NOT be spending money on it if it weren’t!

Simple enough, right?

You must never ever ever run ads unless you know exactly what you’re getting back.

I had dinner with a friend who worked in marketing for a big orange juice company.

He said, “You know, we don’t run any Facebook ads, do you think we should?”

I asked him how they currently spend their advertising budget.

They sponsor a lot of things, he said. Loads goes to that.

“Hmmm, how do you know what your ROI is from sponsorship like that?”

“We don’t completely. We just see if sales go up much in the areas.”

O.M.G. I actually gasped.

Some big businesses just “use up” an allocated budget – crazy right?!

Here’s the thing: you probably don’t have that luxury!

Small businesses and course creators and authors need to manage their numbers!

When your budget is small,

Or if you’re just starting out and don’t have loads of revenue yet,

Then you must prioritize the trackable actions like leads and sales.

You must dive into the numbers and % that show what your audience is actually doing…

And what that is bringing back to you!

Without that, you’ll run out of money, go bust, or bang your head against the wall.

And I’ve seen most folks make mistakes because they just want a good idea to get some air play.

But airplay is not clear, obvious results.

Focus on ROI. 

Focus on the end first!

Then work backwards.

You’ll reap the rewards faster, and also create extra budget to test other types of content.

Once you shift into this regularly and repeatedly, you’ll become super savvy with advertising.

Heck, it will become more fun too!

And never forget, it’s all about connecting and touching your Ideal Client,

Almost like a greeting card does to your granny who doesn’t see you enough ❤️

It’s about feelings, but those feelings must always relate to results too.

That’s why and how it’s actually a business for you.

Oh ya, here’s the exception:

If you have completely unlimited funds and just want people to know who you are,

And feel warm and fuzzy when they see your ads,

With only Page Likes and thumbs up and hearts to show for it,

Then you can absolutely run any type of ads you want!

But if not, then stick to the proven ROI driven advertising that actually works.

Makes sense, right?

Could you give each of these hacks a try?

Would you be willing to see if it gets you better results?

Might your audience be the ones who actually benefit from this even more?

I think you can, in fact, I know you can!

And that’s why you’ll crush your advertising on a whole different level.

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