This happens when I lose the plot

As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, 
I invite you to dive deep with me into a totally under discussed topic:

Your Mental Health in your business.

When it comes to the less intuitive needs and tasks,
Especially advanced marketing and advertising,

I see people struggle every day.
Not only do people feel stressed and anxious about results,

But they find stress and anxiety in executing and implementing new needs,

So that paralysis by analysis or simply playing small

Become the norm instead of the hiccup in a health flow.
None of this is foreign to me either.

The business beasties of confusion, frustration and overwhelm 

Never left me alone when I was first growing my business to scale.

In my own case, the worst and most paralyzing experience has always been


Except I rarely felt like “I’m so overwhelmed right now.”

I might find myself saying that to someone when I had
Just a tad more perspective or space, but it was 
Not what was going through my mind.

For me, I’d have these moments of:

“I’ve totally lost the plot!”

“I have no idea what I should be doing next, 
in spite of that looming to-do list with loads of actions.”

Yet part of me – the wiser part of me – was always asking:

“But what is the most important thing you need to do right now?”

And that’s how I’d know that I had lost the plot.
I was focused on unimportant things, to-do things, even worse:

Less connected things.

For me, sometimes I still get a fast feeling of “I’m losing the plot!”

Now though I have better, faster ways of working with this.

In my case, I close my eyes, I breathe deeply, and I tell myself:

“Slow down, Josh. You’re doing too many things at once…

What’s the most important one to stay connected?

Just. Do. That!”

And that’s how I put myself back into my own story.
I get back to the plot of the purpose of my business.

This has always been my most intense experience of

Mental Health issues inside my business.

Sure, I’ve had anxieties over sales and results and miscommunications.

Especially miscommunications!

But the things that have stolen the most joy from working in my business
Has always been Overwhelm.

We all deserve to be joyful, connecting, loving and happy

While working in our business.

That’s not to say that things can’t be
Challenging and busy.

Or just plain having too much to get done.

But it should be a joy. It must be about connection.

Connection and love is where the results really come from,

In all of my and my best clients and students’ experiences.

Thank Goodness that I’m reminded of this and give thanks for it every day!

So when it comes to more effortful or new experiences,
Like more powerful marketing or advertising,
It will absolutely challenge and test you at first.

That’s ok.

That’s expansion.

That’s you rising to your next level of identity to achieve your goals.

What is the Millionaire You version asking of you every day?

It’s probably different from the 5 Figure You‘s tasks and to-dos.

Mental Health struggle is inside your own business.

Is it crippling anxiety at putting yourself out there?
Is it crippling depression at not getting the results you wanted?
Is it crippling anxiety at not knowing what to say?

Those are just guesses from too many conversations I’ve had.

You deserve to be joyful, connected and happy working in your business!

Even when the problems and challenges come,
Let’s ensure they have a larger meaning and purpose.

That’s what YOU deserve – every day!

Be good and kind to yourself during Mental Health Month and every Month.

PS – Don’t be shy. Don’t hold yourself back.
Until we talk about these things,
They just get worse.

The worst thing:
We never get the time back 
From everything that cripples our connection and results.
Let’s get ahead of that and stay connected instead! 

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