Tapping into the Spiritual side of marketing and advertising

I see so many good and good-hearted businesses struggle every day.

The good of these businesses needs extra care,

Especially if they will grow strong and serve widely.

I grew up around very very good people,

Sure, some a lot less good than others, but that can’t be helped.


All these good people showed me that intentions really matter.

But actions will always trump intentions.

That’s why we have to engage with the spiritual aspect of

Marketing and advertising.

Because it’s deeply spiritual, if you’re looking for it.


Seek and ye shall find, sound familiar?

I can still smell the incense! 💨

Let’s clear something up immediately:

This is not religious… it’s Spiritual.

This is about your Spirit connecting with the Spirit of your People.


This is about being far more intentional 

About all of your marketing,

And especially your last-minute, sad forgotten advertising,

And INSPIRING it again.


Inspiring is literally, technically:

Putting the spirit into something.

Most people are so disconnected on a daily basis,


They are seeking “inspiration” from others,

While they disregard their own ability to stoke the spirit alive within themselves!

It’s already there!


That’s the beauty of the Golden Ring Marketing system I now use.

It’s 7 deeply spiritual Golden Rings – 

Also obviously functional as “Success Cycles” –

To tap back into

Over and over again.

Because you have everything you need to move forward.


Everyone with a business and an offer is sitting on a true goldmine.

Most people however completely ignore the mine,

They never mine the gold.

They look elsewhere for wealth, for success,  

Than within their rich, deeply golden mine.

Golden Ring Marketing now stops you from looking elsewhere,

Lets you set up the excavation,

And lets you mine all the gold,

All the assets,

Until you see the wealth you already have,

And grow from there.

Then scaling your business gets easy.

Second-nature, even.


It never stops being spiritual,

Just as you never stop being spiritual.


That’s also why I truly only work with business owners who are extra:




These are the People I see bringing the most light into the world.

There are enough “influencers” out there for blow-hards in the world,

And they are welcome to them.

We’re on a different, far more spiritual path here.

So join me in your next phase of marketing and advertising.


Let’s start to mine your gold together!

You’re not alone.

You don’t need to pretend any more that

Any success is outside of you.

It’s all there already, waiting to be mined.

Waiting for you to let the inspiration fill you back up

To your true, spiritual state:

Deeply, truly, madly Connected.


Keeping you connected and nothing short of loving it!


50 Weeks Of Giving!

 In the spirit of compassion, empathy and all things spiritual is 

Doctors Without Borders

Ministering to that shocked, overwhelmed, often forgotten

Group that make up the world’s refugees. Just for a second:

Imagine being forced to leave your home, your family, your language.

Why not donate in someone’s honor here.

Find out more here at: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/

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