When you worry about your audience’s reactions

When are you worried about your content?

Whether it’s how to create content, 

The actual theme of your content,

Or ultimately your audience’s response to it,

Content for all marketing is a loaded topic!

Wouldn’t it be amazing to make all of that go away?


But how so?

Is it with a “content calendar” downloaded from some template?

Or is it with courses about what to say and how to say it?

Ultimately, let’s begin with a far easier starting point:


Simplifying everything to a simple conversation.

I love advertising best for this, because

It takes all the pressure away.

The testing process itself gives you the info you may

So desperately crave.

So easy, so fast, so clear, and so focused on

Making the next step and next decisions way easier.

And if you’re like “What’s the testing process?!”


Then it’s the second step in my advertising approach:

1 Targeting => 2 Testing => Tracking.


Most people fixate, obsess over and ultimately blame Targeting

For all their lackluster results.

Is that you too? Have you blamed Targeting? Because

You just didn’t know what else to ask for?

Well, you wouldn’t be alone!


But really, it’s the Testing that literally gives you the 

Bang for your Buck.

It’s simply the method of putting out variations of your content,

So your audience tells you what they prefer.

Gosh, how easy and direct does that sound?!

All the “shortcuts” and “hacks” and “tricks” out there

Can never replace some basic goodness,

Like chicken soup or a bowl of stew on a freezing day.


So let’s take the best hack, tip, trick and shortcut to town:

You can let go of worrying about what you put out there,

By finding out what works and what doesn’t work,

Then… just doing more of what works!

Here’s how to make all your content more of a conversation.


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Sounds pretty aligned with great business practices too!

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