How much of an afterthought is all of your advertising?

Every day I come across ads that are destined to be truly awful.

How could this be?

And how you can avoid this painful fate too?

It’s so easy:

Plan your advertising better.

That’s it.


Doesn’t sound like rocket science, does it?

But does that mean people do it?

Not at all, just like working out more when you want to get fit.

I’d reckon that at least 82% of business owners treat Facebook ads


As a complete Afterthought.

So let me give you the Space and Grace – and the permission! – 

The stop letting your ads be an afterthought,

And let them go to the top of the to-do list.



Let’s start with the investment part of it.

If you’re spending a penny, dime, or dollar on ads,

Then you deserve to get the very best return on that investment.

Most people truly don’t grasp what a ROI is because they forget that, as employees,

Their exchange for money is their gorgeous, perhaps inconsequential time.

But in business, no matter what,

No matter how much you avoid tech or complexity or your own marketing,

You need to start with the end in mind: Revenue to keep you afloat.


Advertising must always be the natural extension of that,

And ultimately the first step and most important first impression.

Let’s step into your audience’s shoes for just a mo, shall we?

Your advertising – especially to a brand new or “cold” audience – is your handshake,

Ads are your introduction and your first impression.

In European terms, it might be your first double cheek kiss

But they are your first touch. So couldn’t you consider, just kinda…

To make it an awesome first impression?

With intention, excitement, joy and connection?


When ads are an afterthought,

They’re setting up a really poor Customer Experience. 

This is why on both ends of this relationship,

It can feel pushy, salesy, sleazy or overbearing. Or just bad.

Instead, you can put rather a bit more planning to it,

And create something beautiful, gorgeous, and even exciting and giddy,

As a first touch experience for your audience’s own Customer Journey.


So today, ask yourself this: how can you improve these first beautiful hellos

Of your future buyer relationships?

How can you make ads far less of an afterthoughts,

And even use the advertising experience in more of your business?

At least that is what I see the best business owners consistently do…

But only 100% of the time.


How about you?

Putting more time energy and – dare I say it! – love into your customers.

Do these three things now to shift into planning instead of afterthought.


50 Weeks Of Giving!

As we celebrate and honor Martin Luther King Jr this week, we also highlight:


Time’s here to fully advance racial equality,

And root out racial injustice, prejudice and suppression.

Find out more here at:

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