Let’s not confuse Great Advertising with Great Branding

Not long ago, I recommended a client to work with a Brand Specialist.

I make sure that I (as they say) “stay in my lane”
Which is solidly advertising and marketing…
But not branding.

However, I use branding all the time,
And I know Great Branding when I come across it,
Just as I can identify Great Advertising.

That does not mean that I know how to take the time
To help a business identify their branding,

So let’s figure out Great Advertising vs Great Branding.
In old fashioned marketing terms,

People did often use
“Branding” and “advertising” interchangeably.
When there was a billboard on the side of the road with a 
Couple of polar bears holding Coke bottles,
It wouldn’t be uncommon to hear

“What great branding!”

They really did mean both the advertising (billboard sign)
And the branding (concept and elements for the business itself).

These days, it’s pretty distinct in online marketing.
Advertising is the practice of ensuring there are eyes on your offers.
You want people to see your marketing information,
That tells them about your product and service.

An organic social media post is a “free ad”,
While a social media post you pay for is a “paid ad”.
The former gets less Reach, the latter more…
ie More people see what has money behind it.

Branding is such a different beast.
In this very noisy, crowded marketplace that is
The Internet… and www… and online…
A brand is truly how a business stands out.
A brand gives a business its unique tone, edge and identifying factor.

With my new brand, which you’ll see in a couple weeks,
The look is similar, but the style and tone will be rather different.
Let’s just say that I’ve niched down.

Also, I have a stellar new Logo that I love.
Some people think that branding is just a great Logo
And color and font design.
Then their business cards look good.
Those things are definitely part of it,
As elements that help you stand out,
So that people know “it’s you” vs another similar business.

But there’s definitely more to it.

Great branding will ensure that you can
Share your true USP, or
Unique Selling Proposition,
Or what makes you unique for your offer.

In Great Advertising,
We put the branding front and center when possible.
In terms of creative content (images and videos),
We especially love to use fully branded images when possible,
Including a logo or business name,

As well as unique photos of the business owner or offer.
Great advertising will use all those elements,

And test out various elements to let the business owner find out
What worked best, and how to bolster that,
Considering how much people engage with “the winner”…
Or the top performing content.

In other words, we’re back to Testing,
Which is a central pillar of Advertising.
Testing lets a business owner:

Increase Results…
While Decreasing the Costs.
Isn’t that the best goal?

Here’s one common example:
When I’m recommending that a business offer more bonuses,
To increase sales and value,
They say more often than you’d think:

“How about a meditation?”

At this point, and with no disrespect at all!, it’s a running joke.
How does your meditation stand out
In a branded, unique, hugely valuable way?
Especially to someone who doesn’t know you that well yet?

If your branding is impeccable,
Then let’s test out the meditation.


Another free meditation doesn’t seem to move the public
So branding and advertising are related, but not the same.
They both help to contribute to your overall
Marketing literacy,
And give you more to work with as you
Increase your sales and profit,
So you can grow, scale and get to the
Next level of your business.

50 Weeks Of Giving!

As we have just passed another memorial for 9/11 in the USA, we honor September 11th Families’ Association.

Supporting the families of deceased first responders,
As well as the widows and other survivors,
Of those who perished in 9/11, this organization
Does exceptional support work, so let’s support them here.
You can also find out more about the 9/11 Memorial and Museum here,
As they ensure such acts of terror are documented,

And the perished are remembered.

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