What are the returns like if you worked smarter now?

Summer is ending, and what a state of affairs the world is in.

We have inflation and the constant threat of
A looming recession.
And all this after 2 years of lock down,
With hundreds of millions actually losing their lives.

Believe me, with the inflationary rise in prices alone,
I’ve often asked myself how people who lost income during the lockdowns
Could now keep up with these additional expenses.

As my 100 year old Grandpa used to say, there’s always something.
He also liked to say “Everything in moderation,”
As he swigged a glass of Lambrusco that he 
Credited for his long, and wonderful life.

So I’m keeping this short:
Go all in now on your business.

Figure out the tedious, frustrating, sometimes overwhelming ways that 
Online marketing actually works.

It’s not rocket science. I see the most surprising people doing it, every day!

Because you have a window of time.
None of us can fully know our window.
But we can make the most of the window that is our present.

Plus, there are many beautiful reasons to capitalize early and quickly:
Make something scalable while you understand it…
Invest back into your business as things change…
And they change far too quickly these days….
Change and affect your audience as deeply and urgently as you can…
So that your effect can become exponential, and you can enjoy that too.

Here’s my recommendation to everyone:
Make a solid financial goal for yourself for the end of 10 years.
Do everything in your power to surpass that goal,
Mostly by serving as many people as you can,
In the way that you are called with your product and service.

And never forget the power of affiliates, joint ventures, and partners.
Once you use ads to keep your own piece of the pie under control,
These referral expanders can make everything exponential.

Then your marketing and advertising is more about
Leaving no buyer behind,
Than scrambling to figure out how to get something off the ground.

50 Weeks Of Giving!

As climate issues make themselves visible and inescapable, let’s support The Cousteau Society.

I not only love them for protecting the marine landscape for future generations,
But especially because they advocate
“for the silent world which cannot advocate for itself”.

Watching a dolphin, whale or sea turtle being released from a net is a gorgeous act.

Cousteau is doing so very much more, so support them here.

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