Want better results? Give yourself more time

Ever feel rushed? Or behind?
Or like there’s a million things to complete?
Or like you want to get some new idea out as soon as possible?

Believe me, I get it!
Part of that can be exciting, though usually it’s really just stressful.

Getting launches or new campaigns running means
Getting a lot done,
Often lots of little tasks,

All needing to be connected and completed over time.
And advertising often can end up not just feeling,

But becoming the last thing on your list.
Here’s what I know after working with hundreds of businesses
Over years and years, and thousands of launches:

The more time you give yourself, the better your own experience.
But here’s the real key:

The more time you give yourself,
The better your audience’s experience!

Newer people I work with are always one thing:
Behind the curve.
Late. Behind…

Worst of all: Rushing đŸ†˜

Nothing dooms ads more than rushing â˜ ď¸Ž

And what do I mean by late?
Tomorrow, later this week, even next week.
Even the week after đŸ˜ł

Two-three weeks is barely enough time to create great ads.
And you don’t want rushed, “just-get-it-out-there” ads.


You want exceptional, wonderfully tested, high powered,
High performance, great ads.

Well, you know what?

Those require care, attention and time.
Here’s my updated guidance:
Want to give yourself a great launch experience?

Then start working on your ads one month before your launch event – 
Let’s be clear, NOT your open cart, but one month before you offer the invite to
The event where you make your sales offer.

Want to give your audience a great experience? (I’m guessing yes???…)

Start working on your ads at least two months before your first invite goes out!

Now, my longer term clients are completely trained to bring me in on
The planning and strategizing right from the start.
We work to and plan around deadlines and deliverables.

Best part, it gets easier and easier every time.
The opposite is when a client feels like they’re re-creating the wheel every time.

The stress actually disappears.
Which means something else has a lot more space and time:


We can actually be 100X more creative when we don’t have to focus on
Tracking or troubleshooting, or chasing down deliverables.
How does creativity enter the equation?

More real creative – images and video options…
Testing different objectives to reduce the budget…
Re-incorporating data and feedback from engagers into the content.

= Priceless.

Who benefits?

Your audience!

Your future buyers!!
The people you want to buy – remember them?

They are the ones you want to give an exceptional experience to!
And the results consistently show – 
This is when it becomes about actual scale
Not just seeing what might work, where most people get stuck.

I know that advertising actually creates this space for businesses,
And it’s beautiful when the business owner fully realizes it,
And fully utilizes the tool they’re actually paying the most for.

Let’s actually come back to advertising being the last thing on your list:
Why would you let suffer the very first piece of content
That your audience connects with?

Especially for an event or revenue launch,
The ads are your own business’ first point of contact with people!

Where people are getting the main invite, 
And then the main sales offer!

Why, oh why? oh why! would you possibly not give yourself Time
To ensure this is as totally awesome, wicked and tubular it could be?!
The ads will be just as important, if not more so, than your email.

Except the ads are often the most complex,
And need extra time, care and troubleshooting,
Because you’re using a tool that is not yours.

Yet ads are highly, impeccably effective.
And most of my clients confirm it is 100% their main source of Traffic.
Sounds like something worth investing time and care into, huh?

By the way, I am never rushed any longer. 
I tell people right from the start to give us at the very least two weeks of lead time

To set up the basics for ads.
As a great friend of mine likes to say:

“Your lack of planning is not my emergency.”

Ultimately, I can fly the complex spacecraft that is the Ads Manager,
But I’m not a miracle worker, god or magician,
And it requires time, skill and working with its constraints effectively.

At the end of the day,
I always come back to the basics:

If you’re investing even a dime into it,
Doesn’t it deserve to have extra attention,
Based on the penny, nickel or dime alone?

Your time is one thing….
But your money is actually on a whole different level.

I will always value it,
And I encourage you to do the same.
I realize that this post is a bit of a soapbox, and that’s ok.

As summer is rounding to a close,
And just maybe you’re considering how to double down,
Re-invest your time and attention into your business,

As September comes, and the end of year approaches,
Then take this one most to heart:

Just give yourself more time.

Not only will your own Creativity appreciate it,
But your audience will reap far greater rewards…
So therefore, so will you.
Like a circle of life.

50 Weeks Of Giving!

As we make the very most of time, let’s pay it forward to kids with Make-a-Wish Foundation.

We all encounter problems, but most are minor compared to what the kids
Go through to end up working with Make-a-Wish.
If you’re not familiar, this beautiful org gives children with critical illness
The chance to ask for what they want before fate works it course.

In fact my own partner was part of a Wish as a kid,
When his brother with a brain tumor asked to go to Disneyworld.
He recovered that first time, but so many never have the chance.

Perhaps they just are able to get one wish.

Bring hope to waiting wish kids here.

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