How to effectively reach out for business help

Today I’m flipping the script so we can dive right into 
Reaching out for help.

For many years, I volunteered on a hotline for suicidal teens.
It was one of the richest and most eye-opening experiences
I’ve ever had.

I consider myself very lucky for talking with all those kids.

For the record, let me share two things I discovered there:
1 Everyone can feel lonely, no matter how many people are “around them”
2 Everyone needs unconditional love and support

Your hair would curl at the stories of coldness and abuse
From ignorant and limited family and friends
These kids often endured.

Just keep love primary, and everyone wins.

But this is not rant – it’s all about how to reach out for help.
All in all, there is no reason to ever suffer alone.

There is no reason to struggle for years when you can move forward
In months if not weeks,

From something that truly feels impossible to endure or make sense of.
That’s what I absolutely know from my experience.
In fact, I realize just how much everything I do in this business

Is not based on theory,
But on solid, unrelenting, clear and intense experience.

And of course I want you to skip over my mistakes,
And all those that I’ve witnessed.

Sometimes, you just need to reach out for help.

It’s also vital to emphasize there is never any shame or guilt
When needing help.
The faster you can let that go,
The faster you can touch base and tune back into your own power,

As well as move toward what you really want.
It all comes down to just asking.
Most people stop themselves from asking,

Because they fear their own boundaries – 

Or lack of them.

“What if they don’t care?”
“What if they want something more once I open up?”
“What if I can’t trust them?”

This list can be literally endless
With reasons not to reach out.

Yet you always hold the power for yourself.
You always have the choice to continue the conversation

Once you’ve started it.
And you can always always always walk away if you want.

No one can coerce you into doing anything you don’t want.
This is so powerful, because it reminds you can get help

Just the right amount of help you might need,
To your own level of trust and integrity.

Sometimes, just starting a conversation for help
Is like loosening a knot.

It’s like passing a tight know to someone else to get started,
And then you can finish unloosening it.

Or maybe you think of this like opening a tight jar of pickles.
You need the rubber thingy, but don’t have one,
So you pass it to someone else to “loosen” –

And then you can do the rest yourself.
This is all about empowerment.

But no one says, there is no book that requires,

That you have to do it all yourself from the start.
We don’t heal ourselves from diseases we cannot understand,

We go to doctors for that help.
We use their expertise, and we don’t live with them
Or call them 24/7.
We get them to loosen the knot then take care of ourselves.

All the same completely applies in business.
You may need some help to loosen your newest knot.
You may need some intensive help,
Then you pick up the thread yourself.

In my own business, I never want to create reliance
On me or my services.

I’m a natural troubleshooter and upleveler,
So I want my clients and students to come, get the help,

Then move on and apply it to themselves.
If they still want ongoing coaching, that’s wholly up to them,
As long as they find value in it.
Just don’t stop reaching out when you do need help.

End all needless suffering!
Especially when it comes to business.

Your basic humanity and non-business role must
Also be valued,
And sometimes, business decisions simply highlight that.
Certainly never let it stop you or hold you back.

Move forward, move fast, and regain your power.

50 Weeks of Giving!

-Support teens and young people in emotional distress through the

Trevor Project

I worked directly with them on the phone hotlines,
And it changed me for good.
They serve 12-24 year olds who are contemplating suicide,
Who need support, an empathetic ear, and options.

Support Trevor today here.

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