Byron Katie

Are you obsessed with Vanity Metrics?

Recently someone contacted me about working with me for advertising. She wasn’t a good fit for me anyway,

Because she said unfortunate and negative things like:
“The problem I have with your business is…”

Who wants to start a relationship like that?!

Not me…

Curiosity is healthy, but treating questions like problems is not 😉

Anyhow, she did point out a legitimate concern
That a lot of people quite reasonably have questions about:

Vanity metrics.

She wanted to know how I could possibly help her, when I only had X number of followers on Instagram.

I mean, shouldn’t I have at least 6 figures of followers or Likes,

If I could help her grow her business to 6 figures too? No.

In short, the answer is A hearty, clear, and emphatic “No”! But it’s rather counter intuitive.

So let me pull this apart with two gorgeous examples:
First, let me tell you a sad tale about my friend “Abigail”
(not her name, protected for her identity!)

Abigail grew a massive following on FB after being laid off. And before she knew it,

She had 750,000 followers / Likes

On her inspirational and motivational Facebook Page.

How awesome is that?!

Well, Abigail also had serious resistance to making offers and sales. Definitely had the “sales is sleazy” hangups that Plague many folks.

So she didn’t make offers
And it was a page based on free, free and free info.

Not long after, she had over 1 Million Likes on her Page!

(Of course, please keep in mind that this was Before the big algorithm change that has hindered such organic results.) And she wanted to cash in, nonetheless.

So she put out an appeal And asked everyone on her Page to donate $1

To help her run the Page and the communities attached to it. And you know what she was able to make

From those 1 Million Likes and followers?
$32. That’s it.

That’s the value anyone attached to a free FB Page.

For sure, Abigail did a million things wrong, But just sit with the fact that she had collected 1 Million FB “limited leads”.

And that’s the result.
Let’s contrast that with a nice healthy business,
Who’s been in business in a very specific niche, And that Profile has 632 followers on Instagram.

It’s not exactly the 6 figures one might be hoping for. It’s not even five figures.

Oh right, it’s not even four figures. 

In fact, it’s not really even that close to 1000.
But that business recently earned a special 8 figure award, From a private Group I belong to.

That means that they have made over $10,000,000 in revenue,

Even though they have just 632 followers on Instagram.
Pretty impressive huh?

It’s not about what we call the “Vanity metrics”,
Or how things look to the outside world.

It’s about how robust the business is in shifting leads to sales, All on the back end. Don’t be seduced into easy answers.

But do keep asking questions, 
Because results are often counter-intuitive.

Just ask nicely… 🥰


50 Weeks Of Giving!

This week happens to include National Doctors Day, so check out:

Doctors Without Borders

They proudly, and bravely!, provide

“Medical aid where it’s needed most – 

independent, neutral, impartial.”

How gorgeously humanistic is that?!

Support their exceptional, life-altering work here.

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