Tracking is the Key to Great Advertising

Your True Tracking Needs for Successful Ads

I want to make sure you are asking the Best Questions to improve your advertising. Because I’ve discovered that most people are throwing spaghetti against a wall to see if it sticks. That’s fine for a bowl of pasta, but not for marketing tracking is the key to great advertising.

Tracking is the difference between “hope marketing”  and scalable business action. Tracking is finding out what works, then why.

Tracking is what gives you your ROI.

Tracking is what most new businesses don’t understand at all. This really is what folks pay me the big bucks for.

In fact, I’ve even reconfigured my own offers, to help people put solid systems in place to build and scale their business using advertising, rather than just “running some ads”. The latter is short-term, short-sighted, and loses you money. The former is what gives you power and momentum to spend more and understand how it’s being spent.

If we boil it all down: You need to track any action someone completes.

This is the most important thing you will ever do in marketing. Tracking involves your Thank You Pages primarily. These “keep track of” the completed actions, like becoming a lead, making a purchase, or joining a webinar. Tracking also involves your Custom Audiences within Facebook, for actions that don’t result in Thank You Pages. These might be Video Views for all or specific videos or people who’ve clicked on a specific webpage, or people who have completed specific forms.

But without these tracking measures, if you ever run ads that do not track these results,

You simply cannot know if you got a return, and what that return is.

It’s actually not enough to start and end by saying: “Well I spent $200 and I made $12K”. That’s awesome if you did do that! But without the numbers of what that $200 actually achieved in concrete tracking returns, we cannot know if your offer is just great on its own, and that $200 actually achieved nothing, or truly resulted in all or some of that $12K.

Because if we start to understand that percentage, then we know how much budget to put to it next time around.

It all comes to your budget – always!

More usually, it works in the opposite direction: “I spent $200 and got nothing for it.”

The exact same principles apply: What did work of that $200, vs what still needs work?

Ramp up your Custom Audience.
Ramp up your Custom Conversions.

Ensure every single offer TYP is pixeled and tracking. And don’t ever, EVER, ever, ever make an offer, with a page that is not pixeled. It’s like throwing a stack of $100 bills into the wind over the ocean.

Waste is ugly.

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