where do ads show

Where Do Your Ads Show Up?

Sometimes businesses forget what ads are running despite any updates, they’re provided, and ask me: “Where are the ads running?”

Or: “Can we run ads on Instagram?”
Or: “Can we JUST run ads on Instagram?”

Sure we can!

We just need to tell the Ads Manager what we want it to do. The Ads Manager needs clear and specific direction. But it’s more than willing.

Here are the platforms available to you with the Ads Manager:

1 Facebook Advertising
Most people just want and think of “Facebook ads”, and this is the primary option for you. The Boost Post option is the “starter” step but needs graduation into something far richer.

2 Instagram Advertising
Once Facebook purchased Instagram, it ultimately integrated ads on Instagram to come directly from the Facebook Business or Ads Manager, so you can run ads to BOTH or ONLY Facebook and/or Instagram.

In my world, because I don’t manage widgets or very small priced offers, most results still come directly from Facebook.

3 Audience Network
This is where you can set up ads that follow you around the internet. Perhaps you use lots of different mobile apps for games or news sites or any other value.

Ads will show up on those apps if you choose the Audience Network. These ads have the most value when revenue is attached to them, so a sales or open cart ad.

4 Messenger/WhatsApp/Apps
This is a miscellaneous set that includes all the other businesses Facebook owns, where it lets ads be shown.

Most don’t create conversions for digital content creators.

Placements vs Platforms

Finally, let’s confirm the difference between these two.

platform is a tool, like Instagram or Facebook. The placement is the location within the tool, such as:

The Facebook News Feed vs Facebook Right Column vs Facebook Marketplace.

I’ve just counted, and within all the various platforms,  there are now a total of  23 Placements for your ads to show up.

Choosing placements and platforms is all about how to best use your budget.

Every placement and Impression (1000 views) costs you ad spend. If you’re still getting started on paid advertising, test extensively so you can get real numbers and data about which placements give you real results.

Save the rest of your pennies.

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