One Size Fits All

One Size Fits All

“One Size Fits All” – Isn’t It the Worst?!


If you’re anything like me, then something in your life is unfortunately “One Size Fits All” 🤬

In my case, it’s my workout socks. And because I work out a lot, it’s noticeable, and makes a difference! Frankly, it’s stupid and it just sucks. Now, this falls into the category of “first world problems,”

But still, I wish I could put on socks with my sneakers that didn’t bulge over the sides, or worse bunch and create blisters.

This is totally a quality issue. The same with gloves for driving, Only there it’s worse, because you actually can lose traction, and it’s literally dangerous.

What are the tedious or dangerous “One size fits all” items in your world?!

At the end of the day, I see loads of businesses inadvertently using this “one size fits all” approach. In their eyes, their business is clear, their offer is amazing, but then when people don’t buy immediately, they wonder why not… and usually blame the targeting 🙄😂

No joke!

But it is ludicrous. This reminds me of a serious “one size fits all” debacle 😱 I witnessed it years ago. A client of mine decided to do a Relationship Quiz. Now, if you’ve ever seen a Cosmo or young woman’s magazine, then you know this is true catnip to an eager audience!!

In fact, their ad results were better than anyone would have imagined. In fact, they were too good. Even with my powerful targeting, I know this net was still too wide.

And because the price was so very low per lead, we truly focused on this client’s ideal client and audience. So then when the main offer came out… The results were just horrific!  It was like a online marketing bloodbath 🩸

But I had no idea what they’d done in terms of  the overall marketing plan. I just stayed on top of what mattered for advertising.

Yet there was one red flag 🚩 – that I mentioned repeatedly, to deaf ears! – That was there from the start:

The offer was totally “one size fits all”. Frankly, it made no sense. Following that relationship quiz, the main offer was for a “Relationship course”. But a “one size fits all” course?!

Oh yes, it was for all kinds of relationships…

With your spouse…
With your parents…
With your siblings…
With your friends…
With your boss…
With your colleagues and acquaintances…
With your kids…
With your grandkids…

Hell, even with yourSELF! 🤯 Now, what do you instinctively think about these relationships?

In your own life? Are these relationships all basically the same? Are these relationships themselves “one size fits all”?

Heck no! Of course they aren’t!

So when the offer came out, For all type of relationships

No one felt it was perfect just for them! Except that is exactly the feeling you do want to create for your future customers! And this is where we get to humanize advertising even more.

No one likes a general offer. No one like general ads.

And even when the ads work on the front end, bringing more people to see your offer, T\they cannot do anything but highlight when an offer is  just plain wrong. Don’t ever let that be you.

Speak specifically,  And especially start with a very small and powerful niche!

You’ll get more traction, more amazing results, far better testimonials, And your advertising will do even better and stay less expensive.

Talk about a win-win situation 💞 Connect better, and reap the rewards! 

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