Level Up your facebook ads

Facebook Advertising TOP 15 for 2021

There are several key ways of reaching your goals with ads. 
It’s not only about knowing how to “Just Do It” – the step-by-step mechanics –  but knowing how to decide what details achieve your ultimate results and goals


Your ads can work every time, if that’s what you ask for.
You may feel like you crash and burn sometimes, when you don’t get immediate amazing results. Whenever this happens, you have one perfection option: LEARN SOMETHING! Find out more about your strategy or your audience or your offer.


Find out the Rules… so you can break them.
There are definitely Rules for getting great results, and Rules for compliance and ad safety so you never experience rejected ads or disabled account, and also Rules for finding out more about your audience and what they really want through testing.


Little things matter.
Advertising brings you from an amateur to a professional in your business very fast, because you get advanced very quickly. When you start to understand and engage with distinctions that matter, like choosing not to say something in advertising because it’s not compliant, but knowing you can hit it hard in an email where compliance is not an issue, you get to focus on strategy. Knowing these distinctions gives you huge flexibility, keeps you safe and helps you manage risk, and lets you identify your Customer Journey faster.


Your Customer’s Journey is All That Matters
In all of marketing, the most successful people give people exactly what they want. They may provide a lot more value than that, but ultimately, the buyer always feels that they got what they wanted. The Customer Journey ensures there are no gaps from learning who you are, to make a sale or landing a client – because it’s a win-win and everyone gets what they want.


You Must Find Out Your Business’s Own Main Metrics
CPL, CPA, CPC or CPR – these are all the numbers you need to find out about your specific business and audience. Then you get to beat those numbers… but only if you know them! Find out Best Practices so that you can find them out as quickly and inexpensively as possible.


Keeping coming back to KLT: Know, Like and Trust
Every business’s early work is to get people to know, like and trust their brand. Coke? Apple? Tesla? Maybe you wouldn’t immediately put yourself in their class – just yet. But ultimately in the industry and niche and market you want to reach, you want to ensure your Brand and business gets as known and immediate recognition as they do, and then creates trust to move people through the buying process. 


The main job of advertising is to get people to Take the Next Step
An ad does not hold a gun to anyone’s head to buy something. Advertising is not sales. They’re different experiences for a user. Instead, great advertising is an invitation to get people to:

  • Know who you are
  • Know what you offer
  • Know how you look at this business and industry
  • Know how you’ll work with them
  • Know that you have a next step for them
  • Know that they need to take that next step


You Control the Strategy, Not the Results
Your audience tells you the results through their actions – do they click and engage, or not? You get to improve that, you get to make it better and better with better strategy. Plus you must have a strategy that helps you implement so you can decide faster and take action.


10 Treat your audiences differently, because their experience is very different
Too many people they “just want to find buyers”. What if you spun that around, and decided to make everyone into a buyer? What would that be like for you? Or those who don’t buy clearly know that this offer is not for them. At the end of the day, when you speak to your best customers differently from your familiar warm audience, and differently from your new cold audience who needs to be introduced to you, everyone is met exactly where they are. Then everyone feels heard, appreciated and loved. Talk about win-win!


11 Types of Ads Make a Huge Difference
The gorgeous power of  Facebook is that it’s all based on experience. So when you’re choosing objectives to meet your goals, it matters so much what type of ad you’re choosing to run: Conversion? Traffic? Video Views? Reach? There are powerful strategies for all. I’ll be sharing more about all of these with you as you go from beginner to advanced.


12 Build Your List and create stronger Relationships
Ads will always be perfect for KLT, for ensuring people know about your offers, and most of all to build your list where you have more control over everything. When you are in constant communication with your people through email, the relationship gets stronger faster, and you can make offers with more ease, joy and integrity.


13 Careful What You Wish For: Be Specific!
Looking for more proven purchasers? You probably don’t want an Engagement ad then. Ads are based on past actions, not just what you want to happen. So if you want leads, you want to show your ads to people who have become leads in the past. This is how the algorithm works: it takes past actions and makes the prediction for similar future events. If someone bought something from an ad before, they’re likely to do it again (In this case, a Purchase “event” can confirm that result). So just because they engage with an ad, doesn’t mean that they’ll go further, like checking out a landing page, becoming a lead or making a purchase. Makes sense, right?


14  Use Visual Funnels to improve your customer’s advertising Journey
A visual funnel gives you the chance to see what the experience is actually like in reality for your audience member and future customer. It’s easy to decide to put something out there as an offer, but then not really think about the very best way to get your audience to respond to or consume it. If you put yourself in their shoes right from the start, you’ll shortcut your testing period and get better results. This creates the easiest Customer Journey to follow, fix and have fun with.


15 There is No Magic Bullet when it comes to advertising
There’s a great movie from the 80s with Megan Follows – who was the titular and ever-amazing Anne of Green Gables – called Silver Bullet. It was all werewolves, and life and death stakes. Only that magic Silver Bullet would solve one’s problems: namely being eaten by a werewolf 🐺 Marketing Best Practices are guidelines that get the best results across the board, based on experience and what works. The work is starting with Best Practice so you can actually find out what works for YOUR audience and specifically for YOUR business and YOUR offers. 

So there’s no one single way to run an ad – like that false friend, the Boost Post button! 

But there is ONE WAY to make the best decisions, help you implement, use the Best Practices, get fast, clear results, and figure out how to make these tools work for your business. 

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