Plan Now

Plan NOW for Black Friday, the Holidays and the New Year!

Most folks wait way too long to get their holiday offers ready, then they are rushing, and so they miss massive opportunities.

Instead, I want you to have the very best chances for success…

By planning just a little big earlier. As Carrie Bradshaw might say: “I couldn’t help but wonder… could that really be possible?”

Well dare I say, it’s not only possible, but totally doable… If you set aside two hours of planning and execute simply.

All to say: NOW is the time to cement in your holiday offers.

So what does this look like for Implementation? Leaving Halloween aside – Though every holiday is a great excuse for marketing! –  We’ve got three main events to cover:

  1. a) Black Friday
  2. b) The December Holidays, ie Christmas and all non-Christian holidays in December

– I’m calling it “The Holidays” below, so please bear with and play along 🙏

  1. c) New Year’s Resolutions

For each event, the same questions apply:

  1. a) Do you have an appropriate offer for this event? More below on this…
  2. b) Do you have a great story to make this offer?
  3. c) Do you have a Customer Journey to bring your People through each offer?

Here are some proven, time-tested offers to consider for each event:

  1. X) Black Friday is about low cost offers.
  2. Y) The Holidays are all about the cosy “feel good”.
  3. Z) New Year is all about Resolutions and momentum.

So I challenge you to find or create offers for each of these –Make them count!

As long as you can cover these three, then let’s talk about timing:

This is just a guide but worth considering, so let’s work to these dates… And by all means: start even earlier!


October 11: Create a Brand New / better Halloween based offer

October 18: Build out your customer journey/ tech for your Halloween offer

October 25: Market and finalize Halloween

October 31: Have fun and CELEBRATE 🎃


November 1: Set up Black Friday/Cyber Monday offer this week

November 8: Finalize Black Friday offer and marketing this week

November 15: Plan December Holidays offer and make earliest content

November 22: Consider starting Black Friday offers early today/tomorrow

November 26: Black Friday

November 29: Cyber Monday – end all Black Friday promos

November 30: Finish December Holidays content this week; start marketing it!


December 6: Plan New Year’s Resolution offers

December 13: Make Holidays offers early. Don’t wait!

December 20: Finish your last minute prep and marketing for New Year Resolution offers

December 24: Shut off your advertising today and tomorrow off for Christmas celebrations!


Side note: I’ve got plenty of clients and students who combo these offers, to start promoting for the main New Year offer by mid-December.

Your options are endless, so get excited by whatever offers you choose! 


January 3: Final week (or can be two) for New Year’s Resolution promo

January 10/17: Start actual New Year offer

January 24: Plan ahead for Valentine’s Day and make a ❤️-centric offer!

By the way, you can download your copy of  The Holiday Marketing Calendar here!

So what do you think about that? Can this simplify your marketing and process? Can you re-use content that you kicked off last year? Can you test something new out, and simplify the entire process for yourself?

Just don’t forget: Play your cards right and… You can make huge profit this time of year, not to mention massive impact in the lives and businesses of your audience ❤️

And here’s a fantastic bonus one of my client’s recently reminded me of: Consider raising your fees!

And then if you’re making final offers in 2021, you’ll have built in urgency by being able to honestly say: “Buy now, because the price is going UP in 2022!”

Serve, serve, and serve even better 🙌

Hit reply now, and let me know what your main offers are going to be for any and all of these holidays. And let me know HOW you will use advertising for these!

Become the true Force for Good you were meant to be!

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