Start Humanize

How to Humanize Your Offers Again

Do you feel very removed or distant from your advertising and marketing? I realize how many people have such a hard time connecting with it… Let alone actually being excited about it so it’s time to start humanize your advertising again. Because it truly is the primary way to meet, connect with your people and stay top of mind for them as their own main Squeeze Solution!

So in this first foray of humanizing advertising, let’s dive into… Offers! Most people get offers completely wrong, because they’re trying to advertise and marketing something very specific (their service or product) without fully seeing that offer from…

Their audience’s Point of View.

Everyone has a clear and strong Point of View. And every business has an easier time  when immediately stepping into the: Audience Point of View.

I was recently reminded of this with: “Nasal Rinse Salt”. Bizarre, no?!  I certainly thought so. Then it made perfect sense. Long story short, I bought a neti pot on Amazon for my allergies. If you’ve never used one, it basically flushes your sinuses of allergens. But I saw on Amazon that of course it was offered With “nasal rinse salts”… Huh??? And they have 1000s of 5 star reviews on Amazon!

But here’s the important thing to know: Yes, you can pay 2-3X the price for a “nasal rinse salt” OR You can use any natural sea salt. And that’s confirmed by my very reputable allergist!

So if I could go to the store and buy sea salt for $2 for a ton,(Admittedly not at Whole Foods, but let’s say Costco ) Then why would I pay $7.92 for just a small portion of small packets of this salt?

The only answer is: 


A Great Offer is a Niche Offer!

If my goal is to improve my allergies –  My Big Why!! –  Then I am committed to doing everything I can to do that, including using a neti pot and the salt that best serves it. And that’s what billions of people do all over the world.

When the Big Why is clear, it’s easy to take the next steps, and to make the follow up offers. And the more niched down an offer is – 

That is: the more it relates to your audience’s very specific Big Why – The easier the offer is to sell itself.

Let me repeat that: It sells itself!

To anyone who is pre-qualified or identified with that Big Why. Most businesses don’t fully tap into their audience’s Big Why. They’re too busy discussing all the features of their service and product, to shift focus more strongly onto the Big Why Every step of the way.

In fact, most businesses don’t even really know their Audience’s Big Why! So put your attention there.

If you’d like to increase your sales, then improve your Offer. If you’d like to improve your Offer, then focus on your audience’s Big Why. If you’d like to understand their Big Why better, then find out by asking them and listening to exactly what they’re telling you! Then add that back into your Offer.

It works in the exact same cyclical process that the Facebook algorithm does.

Nifty, right?! So hit reply right now, and tell me how YOU will immediately improve your own offer by tapping back into the Big Why?? What have you been missing? What do you still need to find out to achieve this? Can’t wait to hear the gold that you will mine, for the transformations you will ultimately give your audience!

Now that is Service on a completely new level, a true Force for Good!

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