The Social Dilemma

Social Dilemma

Have you already watched The Social Dilemma?
If so, please hit reply once you’re done reading this,
And let me know what you thought about it!
And if it’s affected how you want to use social in your business.

And that’s why I’m engaging with this head on here with you.
If you recall my Olympics email,
You’ll remember that I was saying how advertising has always been around,
And that it will always work.

That’s why social media is tapping into such basic human design.
Our brains, our psychology, our patterns:
They’re all very predictable because they have
Evolved over about 200,000 years.
Now, you may be saying to yourself:
“If we’ve been around for 200,000 years…
Why aren’t we MORE evolved?

Why do people do such stupid things?
What isn’t everyone “self-actualizing” or “high-performing” after all this time?”

And those are really great questions.
And the answer is already mentioned:
Because we evolve really really slowly.
And we don’t hold history in our genes to automatically learn from it.

And this is a basic premise of The Social Dilemma:
Technology is evolving far faster than a human mind can even make sense of it!
And so it’s very, very easy to manipulate people.

This is a sad truth, but it’s not new.
People have been manipulated easily for perhaps…
200,000 years?!
Ya, I’d guess.

And social media isn’t going anywhere. 
Let me say that one again:
“Social media isn’t going anywhere!”
Because it’s now a financial and economic reality.

The only worthwhile question for you and your business then is this,
As far as I see it:
How are you going to be a FORCE FOR GOOD?

With your social media,
To balance out all of the true bad, true manipulation
That is happening because of it?

That’s all I want you to consider.
Aren’t you a passionate, mission-driven entrepreneur?
If not, then you’re likely in the wrong place, luv 😉

But if you are, then you want people to know about you!
You want people to grow to like and trust you.
You want to transform people’s lives and businesses.
You want to transform your own business and conditions through that value.

And you can do all of this by engaging better and more proactively
By choosing and becoming a FORCE FOR GOOD.
The only decent option then is to advertise:
Ethically, consciously, and with an intention of spreading more good into the world.

Otherwise, you’re just fulfilling what this documentary also points out is possible.

So let me know if you’ve seen it,
And let me know
If you considering becoming more of a FORCE FOR GOOD,
Can adjust your practices, focus and motivation
In advertising and marketing better with social media.

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