How great people get things done

Planning too much

Often, you’ll hear me talk about how people are SO last minute with ads.
And yet, here I am saying to perhaps plan less…
What gives?!?

There’s a simple art to success, and this is a true key to it:

I was reminded recently how Great people get Great things done.
Recently, the Great chef Jose Andres was describing how his absolutely
His absolutely Game-changing charity is able
To serve so many people in dire, immediate need!
We’re talking life-altering Emergencies here.

This is what Chef Jose says:
“We don’t overplan. People have a tendency to plan to much.
And what happens when you plan too much?
Things never go as you planned!
If you don’t train your teams to embrace complexity,
And to be good on adaptation, they fail miserably.
So our motto is: plan less, adapt more.
Then we can respond to anything.”

Now, there’s a HUGE distinction which must be considered:
They’ve already got their system Down Pat!
So a huge amount of planning already went into it,
And it landed on what works, and they know exactly why.

So for your advertising:
You need to get your basic, repeatable advertising system in place.
And as long as that is done, and it works, and you deeply understand it,
Then, and only then really,
Can you be flexible to reply and stay present with your people
And what they need from you in the moment.

Otherwise, you’ll be scrambling to keep up your end of the to-dos,
And your audience will always – and yes, I mean Always –
Get left behind.
Then they don’t buy.

I’ve seen this countless times!
Plan ahead.
Get your system fully functioning.
Then stay present to be flexible with your People.

This is the key to Greatness and responding to real needs.
And if you’re fortunate enough in your life to be able to contribute to this
Great Person’s Great Work, then please check out the
World Central Kitchen here.

It’s profoundly moving how much vitally necessary work is getting done.
Could you too make such a contribution through the success…
Of your own business??

Plan accordingly, and stay flexible!

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