
As deeply empathetic and sensitive business owners, we value the good we can do with all of the success we can achieve through our businesses. This campaign is dedicated to that spirit.

You Are An Inspiration
You are a Force for Good!

Join us to encourage our communities and audiences to embody the ultimate Force For Good we were meant to be. You’ll find here a collection of awe-inspiring, motivational, and gorgeous human beings doing exceptional work. We’re committed to it 50 weeks a year… with two weeks off to intentionally celebrate self-care.
We’re not only giving back to our community. We’re also giving widely to every meaningful platform that speaks to us. If you have a Giving organization you would like us to feature here and on social, let us know.
50 weeks of giving
They are uniquely a grassroots, mutual aid community! You get to choose if you need help or want to help They are completely volunteer-led. And just one person created this. So much is possible from just one person.
Don’t forget: this pandemic is not over for so many… Let’s support those still struggling.
I worked directly with them on the phone hotlines, and it changed me for good. They serve 12-24 year olds who are contemplating suicide, Who need support, an empathetic ear, and options. Support Trevor today.
Their mission is to “advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace. Rotary Foundation grants promote peace, fight disease, Provide clean water and sanitation, sustain mothers and children, improve education, and strengthen local economies.” I myself was once the recipient of a local Rotary scholarship, And maybe you were too once! So let’s keep the love circulating.
DC gives everyday philanthropists a chance to fund specific projects in U.S. public schools. You can choose a project that moves you personally, And get to hear photos and updates from your teacher and classroom. Support a classroom of your choice.
Children don’t have the luxury of figuring out money for themselves. That’s why it’s especially important to support the: Young Center The Young Center for Immigrants Children’s Rights Supports immigrant children’s safety and opportunities. Advocates come up with suitable solutions for the children for their needs. They also conduct policy advocacy with Congress and federal agencies. Support some of the neediest children.
The Alliance is building an alliance to protect forests, improve the livelihoods of farmers and forest communities, promote their human rights, and help them mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis that we are already starting to experience. Support this planet that sustains us all right.
Their training and matching program is not only for the blind, But also those with low vision, and special needs. And consider this: You can only teach an animal to achieve something, When you know what will work and is repeatable… Support these wondrous animals and those they help.
Their work extends “in the hardest-to-reach places, where it’s toughest to be a child.” And that also means within the US!
They proudly, and bravely!, provide “Medical aid where it’s needed most – independent, neutral, impartial.” How gorgeously humanistic is that?! Support their exceptional, life-altering work
This organization actively fights inequality and poverty. As they say, “the future is equal.” That’s nothing something I see with easy clarity, But it’s certainly an endeavor worth fighting for.
As we shift with the seasons, Let’s also be reminded that the seasons are interconnected With the impact of humans all over the globe, And we have so much power to help or hinder the power of nature.
I recently asked my clients what charities or organization they’d like me to highlight on their behalf. One of my clients surprisingly told me: Local women’s shelters talk about a powerful suggestion, and one I felt had a significant story behind it. And all of the women who resort to protection in a shelter, certainly have exceptional stories. Today, please consider reaching out and supporting A women’s shelter local to you.
With climate change and local disruptions, Wild animals all over the world are suffering unfathomably. Just recall those horrific fires in Australia at the start of 2020. But we are ALL connected and inter-connected. When wildlife goes, we lose lots of other benefits.
I’ve had the privilege to attend live events where Katie demonstrates the Work, and it’s astounding to watch people staggeringly release so much of what holds them back – from within.
Most of us will never experience a true crisis, But disasters are constantly happening all over the world. ARC shows up for short and long term help.
Not only do they rescue animals from abuse and neglect, But they also match those adorable creatures with Children and adults dealing with trauma and special needs. How freaking awesome is that?!
CHF has advocated on behalf of millions of children and families, Facing barriers to medical care and social support.
They keep 6 crucial balls in the air: Climate, energy, food, forests, water, and cities and transport.
Across every US state and 80 nations, DR steps in in times of Emergencies and poverty… “without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay​.” How refreshing is that?!
Marrying the power of celebrity with children’s welfare around the world, UNICEF enlists the support of actors and musicians who can bring Eyes and ears to a most worthy cause. That’s pure leverage in action.
The International Rescue Committee. They are able to serve refugees throughout the world. The very idea of being forced to leave my home, let alone my country, And not by choice but to escape, violence, hatred or danger, Is so far from understanding. These folks may need support like no other, For the very basic needs of life.
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